Severe weather warnings
Where do you get the severe weather warnings from?
Windfinder currently provides severe weather warnings based on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and Meteoalarm reports. Source information and possible disclaimers are given alongside with the warnings.
Which type of warnings exist?
The warnings are structured in a multi-level system. The following types of severe weather and threats are displayed, among others:
- Air Quality/Athmospheric loading
- Storm/Strong wind
- Thunderstorm
- Heavy rain
- Blizzard
- Hurricane
- Tornado
- Sandstorm
- Flooding
- Waves
- Fog
- Cold
- Frost
- Ice
- Heavy snowfall
- Heat
- Fire
What are typical warning levels?
Warning levels are based on the intensity of the severe weather. They differ from area to area in order to meet the different topographical and climatological conditions.
We merged different warning levels of the weather services and integrated them into a system with the following levels (sorted by intensity of the severe weather in ascending order):
We merged different warning levels of the weather services and integrated them into a system with the following levels (sorted by intensity of the severe weather in ascending order):
- Low
- Moderate
- Extreme
- Devastating
Why am I not seeing any warning?
We offer severe weather warnings for the following regions/countries:
Also please note that small delays in weather service notifications may occur.
- Europe
Also please note that small delays in weather service notifications may occur.
The list shows multiple, very similar warnings. Which one is correct?
If a list of similar warnings is displayed in the information window, it is often updates or corrections with the latest news on top.
In order to warn about severe weather as accurately and safely as possible, we do not process or summarize these messages in all cases. Thus, please always pay attention to indicated validity periods and detailed information about expected conditions.
In order to warn about severe weather as accurately and safely as possible, we do not process or summarize these messages in all cases. Thus, please always pay attention to indicated validity periods and detailed information about expected conditions.
Do you offer notifications about severe weather conditions?
This feature is not available just yet. We are working on an improved version.
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Live measurements / weather reports